Upgrades: Life-Changing Habits for the Jewish Woman by Chaya Fried (Mosaica Press/Feldheim)

This book is written in an easy-to-follow format. From the beginning, Chaya tells us, her readers, to read this book month by month. I loved this concept. As a coach, Chaya hides advice in little bites, which she expands upon, to make positive life changes. I found her advice practical and easy to achieve. Chaya does not preach; instead, she gently guides, with easy-to-understand reasoning.

            If you are looking to make changes to your life in a way that works, without a condescending voice telling you what’s good for you, Chaya’s is a voice of reason. When you are looking to make positive changes, her small and easy-to-follow goals are achievable.

            I think I will conclude this review in the words of the author:

This book is a smorgasbord of ideas. Just as you wouldn’t take everything from the table and eat in one go, so too the ideas in this book are not meant to be implemented in one swing. Focus on one idea you feel you would benefit from changing over a thirty-day period and work on this exclusively over thirty days. It will then become a habit.

Available on Amazon or your local bookshop.

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