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Our exciting photographic competition! 

Taking photographs has become a new way of life, but has it really expanded our vision? Sometimes it seems that having so much beauty accessible to us takes away the wonder. 

Uplift is inviting you to go out to the mountains and fields, to the oceans and forests and into your homes to look at and appreciate every minuscule and gargantuan thing Hashem has blessed us with.  

So, whether you want to take a picture of your omelet and coffee or the flowers on your windowsill, or share the beauty of Hashem’s glorious seas and sunsets, you are invited to send them in, and the most moving and impressive will be printed in our next issue!  

PLUS! A special double-page pullout will be dedicated to the best runners-up! 


  1. Send your best shots in the form below. 
  1. Write up one paragraph describing your feelings about your picture and how it makes you appreciate Hashem’s world better. 
  1. The winning picture will be printed on the front cover of our upcoming issue, together with the winners name, where they are from and their personal impression or what they learned from it. 


  • Entries are accepted until 28 February 2023.
  • Photos must be taken by you.
  • This competition is open to amateur photographers only.
  • Pictures must be original and unpublished.
  • This competition is based on pictures of objects and scenery, not people.
  • Pictures should not be offensive in any way.
  • The judges will have the final decision.
  • To enter the competition fill out the form below.

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