Living Beautifully by Gila Ross, published by Mosaica Press and distributed by Feldheim 

Reviewing a book on Pirkei Avos in the winter may seem odd, but this book is for every day. The advice Rebbetzin Gila imparts is all about life. 

Gila, who you will have seen on the pages of the Uplift, is someone whose knowledge of Torah is excellent. I was excited to see how she would translate her write-ups into an entire book. Writing articles is one thing, but writing enough interesting content to fill a book is quite different. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. Her wisdom comes across on every page. 

Gila, who has and continues to work in kiruv throughout the Diaspora, has brought her understanding of Judaism to these pages. If you follow her on social media, you will have seen that her clarity in expressing Torah concepts makes her unique, and this is also apparent in her book. 

I love the way she talks to our generation, who are suffering from pain and anxiety and whose our moral compass is being eroded as never before.  

What especially appeals to me about this book is that each topic Gila talks about is a short read, making it an easy pick-up-and-put-down type of book. Today, when our attention span is somewhat shorter than it used to be, this is a great plus. 

Available on Amazon

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