Health Online – Yes or No?
I have never understood the idea of taking courses online. I felt that those trying to reach their own goals would not have their needs met in such an open forum.
Then the epidemic started and life as we knew it changed; it became necessary to do most things online or by telephone consultation. Self-help as a niche blossomed into a new online presence that has flourished beyond expectations.
I decided that I would try different groups and classes to see what, if anything, they achieved. I needed to find ways of motivating myself in different areas so as not to stagnate. I know that many of you will understand that achieving this was, at times, difficult. With Covid, I became known as the “highly vulnerable”, which made staying in my new going out.
I was lucky enough to see Dalia Brunswig’s programme called “Fully in Balance”. Her programme is a five-day reset—a rebalancing course to help form life-affirming changes and eat REAL food. Her approach is to find your own balance and to feel good based on your current circumstances—not to compare yourself to others—taking into account that everyone has different situations and beliefs.
My goal has always been about health changes, but since I have tried many different programmes, I was highly hesitant. I am so glad I took this step, as I found the experience very enlightening. The group comprised a small number of women from Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Israel, and the Netherlands too. Some were old-timers and some, like me, were new attendees. Dalia introduced the programme a few days before the starting date and told us a bit about the five days, also supporting Shabbos after the completion of the five days together. The directions were straightforward and easy to understand, and the reasoning behind the programme was very sensible. As it was being run directly after Chanukah, the rebalancing was just what I needed.
According to Dalia, finding balance is about the choices you make every day. It’s about small steps, such as a ten-minute walk. Most of all it is about tuning in to your body.
I came off milk products and carbohydrates and saw a change in my eating habits immediately. I can honestly say that I felt a distinct rise in my energy levels within the short space of five days. I have kept up with the changes I made and still feel the benefits. I would recommend this programme as a starting point for Dalia’s other short and long-term programmes like her 12-week “Balanced Redefined” signature programme, “Meal Prep Strategies” or the three-week “No Sugar Challenge”.
Her help was invaluable, and she was always interested in how we felt.
I am sharing some of her recipes below, as I and all of my family love her delicious ideas.