These are what the honey cake recipes are about; they are passed from generation to generation, becoming the staples we always return to even when we find new recipes to try.
Guilt-Free Cheese
This Shavuot, you too can eat your cheesecake and stay healthy at the same time.
Indoor Barbeques
My family has been known once or twice to stand outside at the barbeque with an umbrella to have our weekly summer grill-outs, but sometimes, even with the best umbrella and down coat, the weather can keep us indoors.
It’s Yummy: Friend or Foe?
When we form relationships with people who have healthful habits and lifestyles—those who can inspire, encourage, and motivate—it can help us immensely during our healthy-lifestyle journey.
Ratatouille From Bubby’s Kitchen
My mother’s ratatouille was perfect for these gatherings, as a side dish, salad, or on top of pasta.
Bubby’s Kitchen – Gefilte Fish!
Those who know the smell will attest to the fact that to endure the strength of the aroma is an acquired attribute. I think that this is what put me off eating the end product – Gefilte Fish
3 Pre-Pesach Easy Chicken Dishes
In the weeks before Pesach when we are all busy sorting and cleaning, no one wants to spend too long in the kitchen, slaving over a hot cooker. These dishes should free up some more time for the essential Pesach cleaning.
The famous “4 S’s” of drinking wine are swirl, sniff, sip, and savour. Unfortunately, that is not practical for the arba kosos. That leaves us with a dilemma. We want to have a nice wine l’kavod Yom Tov, and, if…
I always thought of this as a Hungarian Kosher specialty cake, until I found a recipe for it in a non-kosher cookbook. It then dawned on me, that Babka is…